Whiteparish FC


The Memorial Ground provides Whiteparish and its supporters with one of the best sporting arenas in the world.

The 22 bench state-of-the-art stadium is the most technologically advanced in Europe providing magnificent pitch views and modern facilities throughout.The Memorial Ground boasts a choice of Executive benches and Club Level benches on the two premium hospitality levels which encircle the stadium bowl. The two tiers offer unrivalled hospitality facilities combining the finest catering with the best views of the action.The vast majority of hospitality is secured seasonally, however due to high demand we have reserved a limited number of packages that are available on match-by-match basis.

Match-by-match Hospitality
Whiteparish's Matchday Hospitality package offer a unique experience; each providing first-class dining, an exciting pre-match build-up and top quality football at one of the best stadiums in Europe.Our matchday hospitality packages can now be booked online.

Seasonal Hospitality
The Memorial Ground offers two premium levels available to both corporates and fans on a seasonal basis. Club Level comprises eight rows of benches on the same tier as the Directors' bench, whilst the 10 Executive Benches are situated on the tier directly above.Benches at these levels feature some of the best sight lines in The Memorial Ground. They have excellent access to the pub and restaurants, which is located over the fence or the other side of the main road, which offer the only seated dining facilities within the village. All Executive Benches and Club Level benches are secured on a seasonal basis.

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